Thursday, December 18, 2008

Driving Etiquette 101

Here's a quote from a unself-described road rager:
Do not tail the car in front of you and do not fall to far back so others can cut you off.
"Eliza, I know you're not talking about me and 'unself' isn't a word. How about a eliza leigh described road rager?"
I like unself better.

The funny part about this road rage expert (ooh I like even better) is they rarely ("Never") follow this tenet.

Let me ask you all this geometry question:
If four cars are in front of you and you DON'T tail will you make it through a red light that everyone else is stopped at?
"Eliza. The 'road-rager' was panicking thinking they were going to miss their train. If it made them feel better to yell at me for not tailing someone who couldn't go anywhere anyways- then that's their prerogative. Besides it was funny.
'Go faster I would have made it through the light.'
'But there's four people in front of us, you driving would have changed that?'

The Lesson here people is~
never listen to your passengers("unless one's not completely in the car")
let the panicked person drive ("if they crash it won't be your fault")

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