Friday, November 28, 2008

Drive By Pictures

Here's a few from a traffic jam about a month or two ago.
They were taken with a cell phone camera so don't except award-winning shots. Plus, my human took them.

"You really can't see it in these shots but the guys were sitting on the flatbed and hanging out-"
Yeah, with their Dunkin Dounuts.
"Really! I missed that."
Coffee. Need coffee.

Name that Movie

Only 3 days left to guess in the monthly quiz.
Here's a clue-
it's animated!

Black Friday

Hey Human are you out shopping right now?
"No. I'm sleeping. Or was anyways."
I've heard of people waiting in line for Toys-R-Us, Best Buy, the Mall but never until today did I hear of someone waiting for Staples to open.
"Oh yeah? Someone you know? Well, I heard of people waiting in line at pet stores especially when they have exotic pets."
Ohh like ants.
"Or Anteaters."

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Eliza Leigh Portraits

Well that was a quick response.
"I try. Besides since I can't move furniture right now....
You may have noticed Eliza Leigh's beautiful portraits in the sidebar."
One of them is beautiful~

This one makes me look like Plankton!

"Oh, but that's how I see you! The ineffectual plotter of EVIL."

So here's a little contest. You think you've seen me about town and can draw me to diva dizzying likeness? Then send us a copy and we'll post it.
"Actually, no contest yet. "
Why Not?
"Because it's 3:30 in the morning and I'm supposed to be cleaning. You are just trying to distract me. Now we have to start Howl's Moving Castle over again."
Okay. Contest coming soon!
"Better. Now..."
'finish your breakfast.' Ha! Beat you.

Eliza~ vain mutant ant.

why are there no pics of me. it is my blog?
'do you want to be recognized in public?'
HELLO. i am a mutant ant- i think i'll get some attention regardless.

What Are You Doing?

Human, it's 3 AM in the morning. What are you doing home and what is that racket?
"Oh, sorry Eliza did I wake you?"
"Hmm, I wonder if they make ear plugs for ants?"
I don't have EARS. human.
"Wow, I didn't know that ants growled. Oh all right. I got cancelled for work tonight and since I took a nap this afternoon I figured I might as well clean... and move a small couch... maybe a few bookcases."
What about the people below us?
"Oh, they're sound sleepers. I think. Fine I won't move the big stuff. Now be quiet I have Howl's Moving Castle on for you. Sleep. sleep. s l e e p."
I won't be able to 'Sleep. sleep. s l e e p' until you stop all that racket.
"Fine! I'll just fold laundry that won't be too noisy for you will it your majesty?"
As long as you don't recite the moving while you're folding.
"Of course not. 'Finish your breakfast.' He, he. Okay now I'll be quiet."

Monday, November 24, 2008

Word of the Week

Repellent, irritating. Causing annoyance. Like you human.
"Hey, I wanted to say that!"
I know.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Drive By Pictures

Here's a few pictures of driving on a rainy day. I don't suggest you try this humans.
"Oh, but it was safe for me too!"
Well, no but I wasn't with you so I think it was more than worth the risk.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Fall Pictures

Tonight my humanoid finally won a camera on eBay! Yeah... Cheer people. After two weeks of bidding you'd be ecstatic too.
"Hmm, more like tired."
In honor of this momentous occasion-
"I'd wait till we actually see the camera."
-here are some pictures we- i mean- my human took this season. Most are taken with cell phone camera but a few a with a cannon powershot.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ants Need Picnics Too

"Eliza, what are you on about?"
This picture! How cruel of you.

"What's so wrong with it there wasn't anyone eating at those picnic tables."
Exactly. Empty picnic tables. No scraps. Evil, diabolic.
"Yeah you should call Peta."
And THEN! you made me sit in your pocket while you walked around that park.

"It was quite quaint don't you think."

There weren't even any NUTS.

"Well, I did take you to that market across the street afterwards."
I don't recall.

Oh yeah. Member that snack mix you got me because you thought it would be healthier. Chocolate Espresso Beans!!! Look there's one on the counter.

"I'm not going to fall for that one again thank you."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Word of the Week~

Yoo whoo... where are you? Oh human, back from strike I see.
Don't just sit there. Tell us the WORD.
You're just making up words now.
"No really. It means to abscond, take off, sneak out."
You mean like you! Get back here human!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Name that Movie 11/08

The movie from last months quiz was you guessed it- the fifth element.
Enjoy this "multipass" clip from the movie:

It's November's Quiz Time People!
So here's the game. Look at the sidebar at the Amazon Widget titled Name that Movie there will be 4 movies to choose from. Pick which movie this quote comes from:

Is that sanitary? It looks questionable to me?
Bonus Question: Which character said it?

This will be a monthly quiz. Add your comments here.
***There will be NO prizes awarded.***
"Eliza why don't you tell them the truth. You hid all the Eliza Leigh buttons I got for prizes."
They're going to be my pictures for my penthouse.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Weekly Challenge

human how's your week with no soda?
'it hasn't started yet.'
will it ever is the question?

Weekly Challenges

Human how was your week of no tv?
"Okay, I don't see how it's fair that you could still watch it though."
Well for you it's mindless drivel but for me it's educational.
"It's not all mindless drivel."


Human, I saw your zazzle page. L A M E.
Where's mine?
"You don't have one."
Where's mine?


Epiphany! I had an Epiphany!
"Oh Lord."
And it's gone.
"Hmm. Can't find the words to express yourself? Go to FreeRice you might find the word you're looking for."
Oh please human, try not to turn this into a lesson. Besides, I remembered what I was going to say.
When you press buy now on ebay it means you have to pay for it! I was jumping on the keyboard while you were out of the room. I think we'll win that camera.
"What!! Eliza, it's over $3000! How did you do that? Err, deep breaths."
$3000. That's no free rice.
"Shoebox. Forever!"
You should take a picture of it with your new camera.
"I'm going to be sick."

Any more mutants out there...ants or otherwise?