"Stop complaining Eliza this word is about you."
Oh really! That's so sweet let me guess. Genuis, smart, beautiful, superant...
What!! That doesn't sound so good. Forget it, I don't want to know just tell the humanoids reading this so we can move on to something more exciting. Like that German Pancake recipe!
"The condition of being decayed, rotten, putrified..."
Enough! Just because I was born at a dump doesn't make me trash.
"Eliza, I'm sorry I was just teasing. Sort of. Are you crying? How is that possible? I mean a mutant talking ant is one thing but now you're crying."
A bite of that gelato might make me feel better. Ohh, that's good. And maybe one no two of those Resses Peanut Butter Cups in your secret stash. And maybe... whoops.
"ELIZA! What is that? Did you think I wouldn't notice you splashing water on yourself? Gimme back those Resses!"
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