Monday, October 27, 2008

Testing a new igoogle gadget!

Hey human remind me to never, NEVER, ever, ever upset that relative of yours!
“Eliza what are you talking about?
Or better yet if you ever have a problem with your computer and are getting the runaround you get her to do it. DANG. I thought we were watching Law & Order she was the D.A. and Dell was the criminal on the stand. She TORE em up.
“Err yeah. Scary wasn’t it.”
Scary!! Entertaining, miraculous, a nail biter. Especially when the agent on the phone just kept repeating the same thing over and over and wouldn’t transfer her. He thought she would give up. He was wrong. Ha and you can’t even order pizza without help.
“That’s right. I call me D.A. impersonating sister and ask her to do it for me.”

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