Friday, October 31, 2008

Eliza got punked

"Eliza, I saw a nun working at McDonald's."
Really! That's strange.
"Uh-huh. And two inmates going to Stop-n-Shop without any officers around. You don't find that strange either?"
Well, they were on break from trash duty.
"Eliza, they were in costumes. It's h a l l o w e e n ."
Ha, ha, I totally forgot about that- lot's of leftover candy. My cousins will be eating good this weekend.
"So do you still want to visit a correctional facility?"
Do you mean jail? Stop playing.
"No here's list of local jails- really I can send you in, drop you off, whatever you want."
Ha, ha. Isn't the Shoebox bad enough.

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