Monday, January 19, 2009

Word of the Week

Human I know this one! It's lazy, slow both of which you are. After all, how long has it been since you posted?
"Don't be silly I've been rather industrious redesigning your site and beefing up the content for next month."
I'm a vegetarian.
"Really since when?"
Two seconds ago... Really are we added new stuff?
"More quizzes and more segments and even quotes of the week."
Oh, yawn. I that makes me so-


  1. You should register and blog at or It is a clever name and a clever blog. Sooner or later some douche will come around and realize it and just sit on the domain.

    I came here solely because I thought the name was funny when I saw you were following me on twitter.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thanks. I've been planning on it but losing a debit card is more troublesome than imagined!
    PS I wish I had this three months ago


Any more mutants out there...ants or otherwise?